When You've Been In A Motorcycle Accident It's Important To Follow Some Basic Steps


If you are driving your motorcycle and a car turns in front of you, causing an accident, there are some basic steps you should follow in order to handle the accident properly. The first step is to make sure that everyone involved in the accident is alright and to call for help even if you are not sure anyone needs it. Getting the authorities to respond to the scene is sometimes overlooked, as people don't always feel that it is necessary.

27 July 2016

Suing An Ex-Spouse For Economic Abuse


Domestic abuse is about control, and one way abusers exert control over their victims is by restricting access to money and credit. It's not unusual for domestic abuse survivors to leave their marriages with damaged credit and no financial resources, which makes it difficult for them to get employment and housing. If you weren't able to get an adequate divorce settlement, one thing that may help you obtain financial self-sufficiency is suing your ex-spouse for economic abuse.

14 July 2016

What Happens When Injuries from Auto Accidents Don't Show Up Immediately?


Insurance fraud happens every day. There are people who try to make a quick buck by faking injuries after a car accident. This practice has, at times, made it difficult for people who have had injuries set in day or weeks after a car accident to get compensation.  However, car accidents are common. They can be scary, and they can be painful. Whether you are involved in a minor accident or a major one, the impact alone can cause physical trauma to you or a loved one.

27 June 2016

Are You Entitled To Workers' Comp Even If The Accident Is Your Fault?


Can you still receive workers' compensation if the accident was your fault? Most of the time, yes. While there are some limits, you're usually still entitled to benefits even if you somehow caused your own accident. If your employer is telling you otherwise, this is what you need to know. 1.) Fault and negligence aren't usually a consideration. Workers' comp is generally considered to be a "no-fault" system—workers don't have to prove that the employer was somehow negligent or "

27 May 2016

Taking Legal Action after a Car Accident? 3 Mistakes to Avoid


No one gets behind the wheel of their car in the morning and expects to get into an accident. Unfortunately, it can happen one day. If you find yourself in this situation, you may decide to pursue legal action against the at-fault individual. When you do this, though, things can get complicated. Here are a few mistakes that you will absolutely want to make sure that you avoid: Mistake #1: Lying

17 May 2016

Distractions And Driving Increases Your Accident Risk


When you drive, you must pay attention to a lot of things while you're behind the wheel such as your speed, direction, road conditions and what other drivers and pedestrians are doing. Add non-driving related activities to the mix and there's a potential for disaster. Combine all that with other drivers who are not paying attention and it becomes even more important to pay attention. Distracted driving injures and kills thousands of people every year.

3 May 2016

Things Remembered: Using Memory Aids For Your Personal Injury Case


If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you should take steps now to preserve your memories of the event. While you can likely count on the insurance company to compensate you for your personal property (your car) and pay your medical expenses, you must file a personal injury case against the other driver if you want to be compensated for your pain and suffering. Don't leave this important task to chance; the strength of your memories could have huge impact on the success of your case.

20 April 2016

Three Ways You Can Educate Your Employees To Promote Safety And Avoid Workplace Injuries


As a small business owner, you can't be too focused on workplace safety. One of the best ways to improve safety is to concentrate on training employees both in safety practices and in making the best use of safety resources available to them. So to increase employee wellbeing and to reduce expenses from employee injury or illness, use a multi-pronged strategy for employee education and training. These three methods can all be used in a complementary fashion to create a well-rounded program for increasing employee safety through training and education.

11 April 2016

The Effect Of Social Security Disability And Workers' Compensation Benefits On Each Other


If you are receiving both workers' compensation and Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, then either your workers' compensation benefits or your SSDI may be reduced. However, there are a few steps you can take to minimize the effect of one on the other. Here are three measures that can help: Make a Move for Retirement Benefits The first thing you should know is that your workers compensation offset only applies for SSD benefits, but not for Social Security retirement benefits.

29 March 2016

A Couple Of Tips For Limiting Your Liability In Motorcycle Accidents


Riding your motorcycle may be one of your favorite things to do, but it is an unfortunate fact that this type of vehicle can expose you to numerous hazards. In addition to suffering bodily injury, you may find yourself facing extensive repair bills and other liabilities as a result of being in an accident. While an attorney may be able to help you fight for compensation in these cases, it is important to understand some of the steps you can take before an accident to help improve your chances of successfully seeking compensation.

15 March 2016