What To Do If Your Disability Claim Is Denied


Living with a disability that prevents you from working is not only physically and mentally difficult, it can also be financially devastating. Disability benefits from the Social Security Administration were designed to assist Americans living with a disability, but unfortunately the process involved in getting approved for these benefits can be long and frustrating. Many disability claims are denied upon initial submission, but if you get a denial don't give up.

24 February 2015

How Things Can Go Wrong If You Do Not Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney


When you have found yourself injured due to something that happened at your place of employment and you are unable to return to work just yet, you might want to consider filing for workers compensation. When you do this, you have the option of hiring an attorney to help you or to do it on your own. The thing is though, if you attempt to go through this legal process on your own, you might end up in a situation that is very different than what you had first imagined.

20 February 2015

4 Ways A Judge Determines Who Gets Custody Of A Child


If you are dealing with the end of a marriage and there are children involved, you may want to know the details regarding custody.  It is typically the job of the judge to determine which parent will have full custody of the child. Knowing the various things that are considered in this situation may be helpful to you if you are faced with this dilemma. The income of the parents

18 February 2015

Writing A Demand Letter For Your Personal Injuries


If you have been injured at the fault of another, then you may have to write a demand letter to that person's insurance company in order to be compensated for your injuries. In this letter, you will want to describe the incident in which your injuries were recevied and what those injuries are. From here, you will also want to enclose the amount that you expect for compensation. Here are some further details to include in a demand letter:

11 February 2015