Social Security Disability insurance (SSDI) claims are notoriously difficult to get approved. Many claimants are forced to appeal their claim denial and go through several rounds before their claim is finally approved. There are several warning signs that your SSDI claim will be denied initially.
A Lack of Medical Evidence
The biggest warning sign that your claim will be denied is a lack of medical evidence. To have an SSDI claim approved, you must demonstrate that you are not able to work because of a disabling condition.
Insufficient Doctor's Notes
When you are injured, you must meet with a doctor who will treat your condition and will also help you build evidence to support that you are injured and are not able to work. However, while your doctor might adequately document your injuries, they might not clearly establish that your injuries prevent you from working.
To make sure that you have enough documentation to show that you are injured, it's a good idea to involve a Social Security Disability lawyer in your case as soon as possible. They will make sure that your doctor is detailed when documenting the injuries you have suffered.
Doctors' notes that excuse you from work can be very useful because they can help prove that you are no longer capable of performing work. This is a requirement to be eligible for SSDI benefits. However, you will need to have the doctor's note added to your medical records so that it will be taken into consideration when you file for SSDI benefits.
Mandatory Medical Evaluations
The SSA will not necessarily request that you undergo a medical evaluation. Even if they do have you undergo a medical evaluation, this will not necessarily mean that the evaluation will prove that you're injured and should be qualified for SSDI benefits.
Your Doctor's Instructions
Your doctor will provide you with instructions on how best to recover from your injuries. You will need to prove that you are doing everything you can to get better. Also, without following the recommended treatment, your disability examiner will not be able to determine if you are able to actually unable to work due to your condition.
However, if there is a valid reason why you do not want to follow the treatment plan, make sure that this is made known to the SSA. An SSDI attorney will work hard to increase the chances that your claim will be approved.
For more information about Social Security Disability law services, contact a local company.
Share12 December 2022
When I was injured in a slip and fall accident a few years ago, my family and friends had a hard time relating to the things I was going through. While some people thought that my decision to file a lawsuit was frivolous, others were under the impression that I would walk away as a millionaire. Their lack of personal experience with this type of legal problem left me feeling alone during one of the most difficult times in my life. That is why I decided to start this blog so that accident victims from all over would have somewhere to come to get the information and support that they need. I truly hope that this page can be that place for you.